Who we are
green energy against poverty is a development support organisation working for mainly rural populations in the South by providing access to renewable energy. Our approach is decentralised, sustainable and geared towards empowering communities. By providing decentralised electricity access and therefore better light, we want to fight poverty and at the same time promote development.Improved stoves protectthe environment and human health. And the climate is benefiting as well from reduced emissions of CO2.
renewable energy in the hands of those who can least afford conventional energy, fighting poverty and climate change simultaneously
empower the marginalized and fight poverty at grass root level in the South by providing access to renewable sources of energy that are sustainable, decentralised, and under the control of people and communities.
The new energy should not only satisfy energy needs while traditional sources of energy are getting more costly and difficult to obtain, but should create development effects by providing income opportunities and empowering economically and socially.
provide funding for the installation cost and maintenance of low-power, off-grid devices by providing grants, by capitalising revolving funds and by developing other appropriate financial instruments.
support initiatives on bio-mass usage for cooking, heating and income generatioin.
We look forward to building up mutually beneficial partnerships with local NGOs that share the same vision and approach and that have experience in empowering the marginalised by use of renewable energy.